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Giovanni Nacci | OSINT Theory & Intelli|Sfèra | Intelligence & Interview N.16 | Dr Giangiuseppe Pili

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is not new anymore. After all, even in Italy, the first Robert Steele’s work translated is almost twenty-year. A great historian such as Christopher Bayly stated that fifty-years is a good parameter to judge the long-term when human history is concerned. Then, OSINT is already old. Sure, the smart reader would say, OSINT is with us since intelligence started. After all, as Giovanni Nacci states in this interview, information is naturally born open, the great majority of the time. Yes, but even considering the OSINT revolution due to the World Wide Web & the ICTs, OSINT is already something mature. It is an intelligence discipline that is taking new ways from the old ones, testifying the livelihood of its evolution through time, as Efren Torres stated in Intelligence & Interview #8. In addition, today, OSINT seems to be the solution for everything, though it looks difficult to be believed looking to the world around us and its ineffable uncertainty and resistance over human capacity to control it. So, today we have an Italian OSINT expert whose passion for the discipline is apparent by all his activities. He is the founder of Intelli|Sfèra, a project entirely devolved to OSINT theory and techniques. This is a fascinating Italian window to an old/new intelligence discipline. Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading cultural blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Dr Giangiuseppe Pili, Giovanni: thank you!

1. How would you like to present yourself to the Italian readers and Philosophical School (Scuola Filosofica)?

I usually introduce myself as a former Italian Navy Officer and enthusiast professional and advisor (since 1998) in theories, methods, and systems for the strategic treatment of information and specialist in Open Source Intelligence applications. I’m a public administration official with about five “lustrum” of administrative proceedings, data protection, Information, and Communication Technology applications. Furthermore, I’m author and co-author of papers, articles, and books about OSINT and creator of the proposal for a “General Theory” for Open Source Intelligence (a summary is available here) and founder of Intelli|sfèra, a cultural project whose aim is the interdisciplinary innovation in the Open Source Intelligence.

Un’intervista sull’Open Source Intelligence con il professionista e ricercatore Efren Torres

L’intervista che vi apprestate a leggere con Efren Torres continua il solco delle recenti interviste su intelligence, filosofia e pensiero critico a cura del Team di Scuola Filosofica. Questa volta la materia è l’Open Source Intelligence spiegata in modo magistrale da un analista e studioso esperto di analisi dell’intelligence, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) nello specifico e intelligence in generale. Ho avuto il piacere di incontrare Efren diverse volte alle conferenze ISA e IAFIE. Devo confessare che il suo panel ISA 2019 è stato uno dei migliori che abbia mai sentito per rigore, qualità e varietà – e dire che la competizione è piuttosto alta! In effetti, gli studi sull’intelligence sono ancora principalmente interessati a fondare e comprendere l’intelligence pubblica, in particolare l’intelligenza come istituzione statale. Efren Torres è il primo che ha iniziato a portare avanti la ricerca nell’esperienza del settore privato anche in contesti accademici. Efren è una persona in grado di indossare più cappelli contemporaneamente con eleganza e qualità. Questa intervista esplora diversi argomenti importanti dalla natura di OSINT ad alcune questioni aperte nell’ambito dell’educazione all’intelligence. Cos’altro posso aggiungere? Senza ulteriori indugi, è con mio distinto piacere pubblicare l’intervista su Scuola Filosofica. Nel nome del team di Scuola Filosofica, dei nostri lettori e di me stesso, Efren: grazie!

An interview on Open Source Intelligence with Efren Torres, scholar and intelligence practitioner

Provided by the Author

I am simply excited to publish this interview with Efren Torres, an intelligence practitioner and scholar, expert on intelligence analysis, open source intelligence (OSINT), and intelligence broadly understood. I had the pleasure to meet Efren several times at ISA and IAFIE conferences. I must confess that his ISA 2019 panel was one of the best I ever heard – and the competition is quite high! Indeed, the intelligence studies is still mainly interested in grounding and understanding public intelligence, namely intelligence as a state institution(s). Efren Torres is the first who started to push the experience of the private sector forward also in academic contexts. Efren is a person able to wear several hats at the same time with elegance and quality. Indeed, he is an intelligence practitioner, scholar, trainer, and educator. This interview explores several hot topics from the nature of OSINT to some open issues inside intelligence education. What else can I add to this fantastic premises? Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading philosophical blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Efren: thank you!