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Tag: Alessandro Giorgi

Alessandro Giorgi | Intelligence Operations Beyond the Iron Curtain & Military History | Intelligence & Interview N.26 | Dr Giangiuseppe Pili

Alessandro Giorgi - Approved by the Author
Alessandro Giorgi – Approved by the Author

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I’m very happy to host Alessandro Giorgi’s interview on the intelligence operations beyond the Iron Curtain as the first one of 2021! Indeed, I had the pleasure to meet Alessandro several times, when he presented his amazing research on several topics. First, we meet in Milan (ah, I start to get old and feel a certain nostalgia!). He was presenting his (back then) last book on the Vietnam War, which is a passion of mine. I knew about the event because it was sponsored by the Italian Society of Military History, of which Alessandro and I are both members. It was presented in the “sanctuary” of Milanese military history, the Libreria di Storia Militare (a place that I love and I encourage anybody to discover). I was struck by Alessandro’s knowledge, rigor, and… passion. He is one of the best speakers I ever encountered. The second time we met was still in Milan when I first heard his research on intelligence operations beyond the Iron Curtain. And again, I was ruptured by his storytelling. Along with me, there was a young friend of mine. He is a young fighter. Alessandro’s speech so struck him that he felt the need to read more about the Cold War. Then I realized that Giorgi’s really able to reach the heart of anybody who has the pleasure to hear him speak. From that moment on, I was only confirmed about my opinion. And then, I was pleased he readily accepted being part of Intelligence & Interview. Without further ados, it is then with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet; it is one of the leading cultural blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Giangiuseppe Pili, Alessandro: thank you!

1. Alessandro Giorgi, let’s start with the basics. How would you like to present yourself to the national and international readers and Philosophical School (Scuola Filosofica)?

“Cronaca della seconda guerra mondiale” Introduzione dell’Autore

A. Giorgi - Cronaca della Seconda Guerra Mondiale 1939-1945. Prima di copertinaLe motivazioni che mi hanno spinto a scrivere una “Cronaca della Seconda Guerra Mondiale”, oltre quarant’anni dopo l’opera con titolo analogo di Hillgruber e Hümmelchen, sono facilmente comprensibili.

Quell’opera, come manuale di pratica e rapida consultazione degli eventi di quei terribili sei anni era sempre, a mio avviso, un punto di riferimento valido per studiosi e appassionati, pur essendo stata scritta negli anni Sessanta.

Tuttavia, una radicale riscrittura appariva opportuna: determinati teatri e scacchieri, come quello mediterraneo e soprattutto del Pacifico, non erano stati oggetto della stessa attenzione riservata, ad esempio, al fronte orientale. Alcuni avvenimenti erano descritti con una cura dei dettagli che mancava totalmente in altri, ben più importanti sia per l’entità delle forze impegnate che per le conseguenze strategiche o tattiche.