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Mese: Agosto 2020

Intelligence & Interview #11 – Candyce Kelshall on the Canadian Association for Security & Intelligence Studies

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This is the eleven official interview on intelligence, technology, and philosophy, now called “Intelligence & Interview”! In this interview, we will bring you to know more about the Canadian Association for Security & Intelligence based in Vancouver. The interviewed is professor Candyce Kelshall, an expert on intelligence, military, and law enforcement. Since I discovered CASIS-Vancouver, I immediately started to closely follow its (many) activities, updates, and forthcoming events. Then, I was particularly pleased to have the opportunity to interview professor Kelhsall on CASIS so as to bring the Canadian Association and professor Kelshall’s experience to our readers. Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading philosophical blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Giangiuseppe Pili, Candyce: thank you!

Interview on African Intelligence with Philani Dhlamini

This interview covers a relevant topic: African intelligence! As an intelligence researcher, I’m always interested in discovering new aspects, stories, and histories of something I studied so much. Philani Dhlamini helped me in discovering more about intelligence in Africa. In addition, I strongly support the diversity of experiences inside a field usually dominated by the US and UK, and, more broadly, by the Anglosaxon world. This is not an accusation because the story of the discipline per se deserves a full appreciation. In addition, and after all, the US and UK especially are at the forefront of the intelligence evolution since the dawn of intelligence as state institution and, now, even in the private sector. That said, it is time to move on, trying to bring different perspectives on intelligence in both theory and history. This is true inside the already consolidated literature. It should be true even beyond it. And then, when Philani agreed to be interviewed by me on this specific topic, I was sure I would have had a glimpse into a new universe. And I hope this will be the same experience the reader will feel and live. Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading philosophical blogs in Italy with a unique series of books, and more than ten years of experience. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Dr. Giangiuseppe Pili, Philani: thank you!

Gli intelligence studies tra Italia e il mondo Angloamericano

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Caligiuri M., Pili G., 2020, Intelligence studies – Un’analisi comparata tra l’Italia e il mondo anglo-americano, Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.

Il segreto dell’intelligence direttamente dalle analisi del mondo angloamericano. Dalla teoria dell’intelligence al suo modello, un saggio esplorativo e per la prima volta presentata al panorama italiano un’analisi dell’intelligence tra USA, UK e Italia. Gli intelligence studies tra Italia e resto del mondo vengono qui dettagliatamente presentati in modo chiaro, informato e incalzante dai due autori, professor Mario Caligiuri, massimo esperto di intelligence in Italia e oltre, e Dr Giangiuseppe Pili, prolifico autore a livello nazionale e internazionale. Gli autori offrono una prospettiva unica e comparativa sull’intelligence tra l’Italia, gli USA e UK mettendo in rilievo le tematiche, gli autori, gli studiosi e i modelli dell’intelligence tra due continenti e due concezioni del mondo. Una ricerca appassionata, documentata e illuminante per portare al lettore italiano le affascinanti sfaccettature della massima ricerca mondiale sulla natura e sulle cause dell’intelligence. Una intrigante ricostruzione, unica per prospettiva e dettaglio, sul mondo scientifico dell’intelligence internazionale. Vediamo allora di cosa si tratta.

Interview on Artificial Intelligence with Jacopo Tagliabue, Lead A.I. Scientist for Coveo

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Since I had the pleasure to listen to Jacopo Tagliabue’s presentations during my MA – when he was already a PhD candidate, I was struck. It was an important experience for me. It proved to me that intellectual achievements can be explained in a plain, clear, and passionate way. Encountering him during my own studies was a discovery I just tried to reiterate here in this interview. So, Jacopo – thank you for all your achievements. I hope they can be inspiring to many other Italian and international readers as well. I believe we need to speak more about hard-working, insightful people because, after all, the world can be wonderful if we are able to believe in it. Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading philosophical blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself (Dr Giangiuseppe Pili), Jacopo: thank you!

[1] Dear Dr Jacopo Tagliabue, it is a distinct pleasure and a real honor to be your interviewer, thank you for your interest and availability. I hope you will enjoy the interview! So, thank you for joining Scuola Filosofica – Philosophical School! Let’s start with an introductory question: how would you present yourself to Scuola Filosofica readers?

I am Jacopo! Educated in several acronyms across the globe (UNISR, SFI, MIT), I’m now Lead A.I. Scientist for Coveo, after the acquisition of my own A.I. startup, Tooso. I failed the Turing Test once, but that was many friends ago.