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Categoria: Interviste

Maria Gabriella Pasqualini | The History of the Italian Intelligence Community | Intelligence & Interview N.15 | Dr Giangiuseppe Pili

© Maria Gabriella Pasqualini – Approved by the Author

Professor Maria Gabriella Pasqualini is not only one of the best (if not THE best) Italian intelligence historian. She is also a passionate photographer (the pictures you see are hers). And she is a wonderful person. Her passion for her research can only be known to those who had the pleasure of talking to her. Since I started working on “Intelligence & Interview”, now arrived at its 15th issue, I had the pleasure to meet extraordinary persons. All of them are enthusiastic, deep thinkers, and valuable experts in their fields. However, Professor Pasqualini is really a perfect expression of what lead me to embark on this project in the first place. My curiosity toward topics I love brought me the opportunity to discuss what I work at a new level of understanding. This interview is on Italian intelligence history. Bringing the Italian perspective to the international community is a goal I’m pursuing since I started working with professor Caligiuri and Fabrizio Minniti. That’s why Fabrizio and I published a paper in the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence on the Italian reform’s aftermath. Professor Pasqualini is definitely an authority impossible to be matched in her field. Her knowledge comes from years of experience and research directly into the archives. We worked together to be sure that this interview is sufficiently able to give the international readers the flavor of Italian history. So, I’m excited to publish this interview after so many personal exchanges with professor Pasqualini. She really enriched me. I hope you all will be. She published so much in Italian, and beyond that, I can only recommend her work. It is really worthy. Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading cultural blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Dr Giangiuseppe Pili, Maria Gabriella: thank you!

Egisto Mannini | Oil & Geopolitics | Intelligence & Interview N.14 | Dr Giangiuseppe Pili

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Usually, we use to dislike randomness in life. Predictability and railroad-encapsulation of life look promising, comfortable, and easy. However, life is beautiful because of an unexpected chance. I had the luck to meet Mr Egisto Mannini during a recent flight, coming back to Sardinia (Italy). Everything started because I read he was reading a book on the Soviet economic history (Routledge edition). I’m obsessed with the Soviet Union history, which, I believe, is showing us the future of several countries, and I put Italy inside them – but this is another story (see below). Then I thought “If he is reading such a book, then there are just two possibilities. (a) He is a colleague of mine, but I didn’t know him. Then, starting a chat would be profitable. (b) He is not a colleague of mine. Therefore, he has a similar passion of mine. So, starting chat would be very fun – given the fact that I co-authored a book on the history of the Cold War. However, the reality was even better. Since I started to speak with Egisto, we immediately got in his major expertise: the Oil & Gas industry, the evolution of the hydrocarbon, geopolitical implications, and the (sad) Italian place in the current geopolitical scenario. Egisto showed passion, intelligence, and determination, something definitely unusual. We are both Italians, therefore we are both hard complainers about her. This is our National sport, even more practiced than soccer (which is already an achievement!). This is the 14th “Intelligence and Interview”, which already covered AI, military history and geopolitics, and, of course, intelligence. It was time to cover the Oil & Gas industry! And then, without further ados, I will invite you all to read this extraordinary, dense, and insightful interview! In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Dr Giangiuseppe Pili, Egisto: thank you!

Virgilio Ilari on the Italian Society of Military History | Intelligence & Interview #12 – Dr Giangiuseppe Pili

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It is not merely a service to the beloved Italian Society of Military History. It is not only an interview with a friend. It is a pleasure and an honor to bring the Italian Society of Military History to international readers. I was enrolled (a term that Virgilio will love) to SISM after the suggestion of a colleague of mine. It was already 2014 when I was almost publishing my crazy extended monograph on the philosophy of war (2015), which is now in the magnificent Ilari’s library, which is an institution itself. Indeed, Virgilio managed to collect more than 20.000 books on military history, intelligence, war… and what else? I see just a piece of it. A daunting but rewarding experience that always reminds you of how much was written in the past. Thanks to the Italian Society of Military History, I had the unique opportunity to be part of a super-active Italian society in which I met interesting people. I consider friends at least five members of the SISM now, Virgilio of course stands in a different podium! During these years, I published two book chapters in the SISM annual publications, I attended conferences and book launches. For all these reasons and more that is not the place to explore, I’m grateful to Virgilio for having found the time to be part of the series of interviews “Intelligence & Interview”. Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading philosophical blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Giangiuseppe Pili, Virgilio: thank you!

Intelligence & Interview #11 – Candyce Kelshall on the Canadian Association for Security & Intelligence Studies

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This is the eleven official interview on intelligence, technology, and philosophy, now called “Intelligence & Interview”! In this interview, we will bring you to know more about the Canadian Association for Security & Intelligence based in Vancouver. The interviewed is professor Candyce Kelshall, an expert on intelligence, military, and law enforcement. Since I discovered CASIS-Vancouver, I immediately started to closely follow its (many) activities, updates, and forthcoming events. Then, I was particularly pleased to have the opportunity to interview professor Kelhsall on CASIS so as to bring the Canadian Association and professor Kelshall’s experience to our readers. Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading philosophical blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Giangiuseppe Pili, Candyce: thank you!

Interview on African Intelligence with Philani Dhlamini

This interview covers a relevant topic: African intelligence! As an intelligence researcher, I’m always interested in discovering new aspects, stories, and histories of something I studied so much. Philani Dhlamini helped me in discovering more about intelligence in Africa. In addition, I strongly support the diversity of experiences inside a field usually dominated by the US and UK, and, more broadly, by the Anglosaxon world. This is not an accusation because the story of the discipline per se deserves a full appreciation. In addition, and after all, the US and UK especially are at the forefront of the intelligence evolution since the dawn of intelligence as state institution and, now, even in the private sector. That said, it is time to move on, trying to bring different perspectives on intelligence in both theory and history. This is true inside the already consolidated literature. It should be true even beyond it. And then, when Philani agreed to be interviewed by me on this specific topic, I was sure I would have had a glimpse into a new universe. And I hope this will be the same experience the reader will feel and live. Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading philosophical blogs in Italy with a unique series of books, and more than ten years of experience. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Dr. Giangiuseppe Pili, Philani: thank you!

Interview on Artificial Intelligence with Jacopo Tagliabue, Lead A.I. Scientist for Coveo

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Since I had the pleasure to listen to Jacopo Tagliabue’s presentations during my MA – when he was already a PhD candidate, I was struck. It was an important experience for me. It proved to me that intellectual achievements can be explained in a plain, clear, and passionate way. Encountering him during my own studies was a discovery I just tried to reiterate here in this interview. So, Jacopo – thank you for all your achievements. I hope they can be inspiring to many other Italian and international readers as well. I believe we need to speak more about hard-working, insightful people because, after all, the world can be wonderful if we are able to believe in it. Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading philosophical blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself (Dr Giangiuseppe Pili), Jacopo: thank you!

[1] Dear Dr Jacopo Tagliabue, it is a distinct pleasure and a real honor to be your interviewer, thank you for your interest and availability. I hope you will enjoy the interview! So, thank you for joining Scuola Filosofica – Philosophical School! Let’s start with an introductory question: how would you present yourself to Scuola Filosofica readers?

I am Jacopo! Educated in several acronyms across the globe (UNISR, SFI, MIT), I’m now Lead A.I. Scientist for Coveo, after the acquisition of my own A.I. startup, Tooso. I failed the Turing Test once, but that was many friends ago.

Un’intervista sull’Open Source Intelligence con il professionista e ricercatore Efren Torres

L’intervista che vi apprestate a leggere con Efren Torres continua il solco delle recenti interviste su intelligence, filosofia e pensiero critico a cura del Team di Scuola Filosofica. Questa volta la materia è l’Open Source Intelligence spiegata in modo magistrale da un analista e studioso esperto di analisi dell’intelligence, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) nello specifico e intelligence in generale. Ho avuto il piacere di incontrare Efren diverse volte alle conferenze ISA e IAFIE. Devo confessare che il suo panel ISA 2019 è stato uno dei migliori che abbia mai sentito per rigore, qualità e varietà – e dire che la competizione è piuttosto alta! In effetti, gli studi sull’intelligence sono ancora principalmente interessati a fondare e comprendere l’intelligence pubblica, in particolare l’intelligenza come istituzione statale. Efren Torres è il primo che ha iniziato a portare avanti la ricerca nell’esperienza del settore privato anche in contesti accademici. Efren è una persona in grado di indossare più cappelli contemporaneamente con eleganza e qualità. Questa intervista esplora diversi argomenti importanti dalla natura di OSINT ad alcune questioni aperte nell’ambito dell’educazione all’intelligence. Cos’altro posso aggiungere? Senza ulteriori indugi, è con mio distinto piacere pubblicare l’intervista su Scuola Filosofica. Nel nome del team di Scuola Filosofica, dei nostri lettori e di me stesso, Efren: grazie!

Studiare filosofia all’Università?

Cari lettori di ScuolaFilosofica,

ma soprattutto cari giovani in cerca di orientamento e guida nella scelta del percorso di studi universitari,

ecco un documento che potrebbe tornarvi utile!

Si tratta di una breve guida alla scelta del percorso universitario, con un focus specifico su filosofia e materie cosiddette umanistiche. Oltre a informazioni utili di tipo pratico (quali passi seguire per individuare il percorso più adatto, come iscriversi etc.), trovate interviste interessanti, da quella al Ministro dell’Università e della Ricerca Gaetano Manfredi, a quelle a studenti di filosofia o ‘scienze umanistiche’ più in generale, dottorandi e ricercatori nell’ambito.

A pagina 24 trovate l’intervista, un poco sopra le righe, che ho rilasciato alla gentilissima e sempre professionale Dr.ssa Amanda Coccetti. Spiego cosa mi ha portato a scegliere filosofia e, mi auguro senza risultare pedante, svolgo qualche ragionamento (ad esempio sul legame tra filosofia all’università e mondo del lavoro) che forse potrà fungere da stimolo a una scelta consapevole.

Questo interessante progetto delle guide è stato ideato e realizzato da Corriere dell’Università e Italia Education.

Ecco qui il link al pdf della guida con le interviste (sul sito del Corriere dell’Università trovate anche altre guide, ognuna dedicata a un settore disciplinare diverso):

Guida alle Scienze Umanistiche –

Buona lettura!

An interview on Open Source Intelligence with Efren Torres, scholar and intelligence practitioner

Provided by the Author

I am simply excited to publish this interview with Efren Torres, an intelligence practitioner and scholar, expert on intelligence analysis, open source intelligence (OSINT), and intelligence broadly understood. I had the pleasure to meet Efren several times at ISA and IAFIE conferences. I must confess that his ISA 2019 panel was one of the best I ever heard – and the competition is quite high! Indeed, the intelligence studies is still mainly interested in grounding and understanding public intelligence, namely intelligence as a state institution(s). Efren Torres is the first who started to push the experience of the private sector forward also in academic contexts. Efren is a person able to wear several hats at the same time with elegance and quality. Indeed, he is an intelligence practitioner, scholar, trainer, and educator. This interview explores several hot topics from the nature of OSINT to some open issues inside intelligence education. What else can I add to this fantastic premises? Then, it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading philosophical blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Efren: thank you!

Understanding Critical Thinking with Alexandra Luce – Founder of Acuity Development

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I am simply excited to publish this interview with Dr. Alexandra Luce, founder of Acuity Development, an expert on critical and creative thinking. Critical and creative thinking are today catchwords. However, the reality is that few people really understand what they are, their importance, and how to teach them. I am personally a follower of the Acuity Development newsletter, which is always insightful and which is always insightful and full of thought-provoking suggestions. And it is with my distinct pleasure to publish the interview on Scuola Filosofica – for those who don’t know it yet, is one of the leading philosophical blogs in Italy. In the name of Scuola Filosofica Team, our readers, and myself, Dr. Luce: thank you!

1. How would you like to present yourself to the Italian readers and to Philosophical School (Scuola Filosofica)?

Alexandra Luce is passionate about teaching people how to take their critical and creative thinking to the next level. Founder of Acuity Development Inc., she’s always learning and developing practical tools that help people get more from their thinking. Alex has developed graduate courses for institutions across North America, including the Royal Military College of Canada. She earned her BA at the University of Toronto, and her MPhil and PhD at the University of Cambridge. She lives in Montreal, teaches online, and loves to travel.